Agora Central Europe also has broad experience in organizing educational events. For five years now, AGORA CE has organized at least one public debate per month in Prague. Those activities were supported by several grants (Matra, Matra KAP, VIA foundation, OSF, TI and others).
A considerable part of these debates was dealing with issues related to the transition processes, such as corruption, fiscal policy, accession of the Czech Republic to the EU, public policy reforms and other relevant social and political issues.
Agora’s staff also prepared five large international and six smaller national conferences during its eight years of its existence. The most prominent conference (an international forum on public involvement and partnership building) took place in the Czech Parliament in 2004. During each conference, Agora organized several parallel interactive workshops, hosted by dozens of foreign guests. Each conference was held under the auspices of top governmental representatives.
AGORA CE regularly organizes seminars for civil servants, university students and different organizations every year. These seminars mainly deal with participation, communication and public administration issues. Altogether, it has organized about 50 seminars. Its lecturers have also lectured for other organizations, e.g. ČvT (People in Need Foundation), Educon, AMO (Association for International Affairs), VCVSCR (Educational Centre for Public Service), Europeum, DEMAS (Association for Democracy Assistance and Human Rights) etc. Seminars are always designed for a specific target group of participants. Many of the past seminars were organized for groups from Commonwealth of Independent States countries (e.g. Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine etc.)