What is the focus of projects?
Content of projects can be summed into these groups includes
- strategic planning
- planning the design of public spaces
- improving of awareness and communication in general
- community planning of social services
- controversial investment or construction
- regeneration of housing estates and residential areas
- children, youth, leisure and education
- finding solutions to current problems
Strategic planning
Realized projects
- Český Brod (2007)
- Hradec Kralove Region (2006)
- Nove Mesto nad Metuji (2003-2004)
- Dobřany (2003-2004)
- Hradec Kralove (2003-2004)
Strategic planning is a creative process, during which there is a formulation of the basic vision for the development of the city or region, setting individual goals, strategies and processes leading to the realization of the proposed plans. Strategic Development Plan is one of the basic documents of the city or region, based on a consensus of public and private sector, and active participation of civil society.
Planning the design of public spaces
Together we are changing Prague 10 – pilot project involving the public in the transformation of public space (2009 – 2010)
Agora CE is co-author of the document entitled Strategy for the public spaces of Prague 10. It is a unique attempt to set the conceptual rules for dealing with public spaces.
Adjusting streets and public spaces (pilot project) – Municipal District Prague 9 (2009)
This was a pilot project in the housing environment. There was a survey carried out, with the adjacent large public meetings and joint meetings of working groups, which together with an invited designer created the final design of Prosek.
Editing courtyard – Zelené město – Green City (2003)
The company Philip Morris has decided to improve its image in their place of residence. The sponsorship was intended to regenerate one of the parts of the city that has faded. Agora participated in cooperation with the city district and to reach out to the citizens of Prague 2. Final landscaping around the Church of St. Stephen in Prague is one of the visible results of our activities.
Raise awareness and communication
Moravska Trebova (2002-3)
In framework of the public administration reform, the city considered building a Civic Information Centre, which could provide the information and assistance in dealing with routine administrative matters to all of the citizens. At a public meeting, there was set up a complete list of tasks that the CIC should carry. As a place for the future seat of the CIC was selected former high school building, which is currently undergoing a reconstruction. There was also a public meeting where citizens have proposed modifications and layout area of civil information center.
Community Planning of Social Services are based on public participation of the entire community.
CPSS projects (in cities) we have implemented:
- Chrudim
- Mlada Boleslav
- Kolin
- Uhersky Brod
We carried the project: Community planning of social services in Vysocina
As partners, we have participated in CPSS projects:
- Training participants in community planning of social services in urban areas of Prague
- in Trebic
- the Prague city district 12
- in Pelhrimov
- Havlickuv Brod
Controversial investment or construction
Klasterec nad Ohri (2000)
The main impulse for project implementation were residents protests against the construction of a supermarket in one of the local estates. City Hall therefore decided to stop all activities in this area for a fixed period of time to give space to debate with people and their opinions. For these projects, a basic rule applies: if the main reason of the project is a controversial topic, City Hall must be prepared to respect the results of the meetings and debates even if they do not conform to its original intentions.
Regeneration of settlements and residential areas
Realised projects
- Pardubice (2006)
- Zlin – Bartosova district (2002-3)
- City District Prague – Repy (2001)
Agora has participated in several similar projects. We very successfully involved public and citizens in the regeneration of peripheral housing estate Prague Repy. In this work we were especially attracted by great interest of citizens in the appearance of their residence. Over 200 people came at a public meeting. Extraordinary commitment was also mayor, who had already some experience with participation.
Children, youth, leisure, education
Keys for Life – educational and organizational services in the area of cross-cutting issues Media coverage and media education, participation and awareness, the path to active citizenship
The project aims to support the development and further improve the system of interest and non-formal education for children and youth in both cross-cutting themes. Activities of cross-cutting themes are designed to support the development and further improve the system of interest and non-formal education through the improvement and expansion of recreational and non-formal education programs and methodological materials.